
Shorter days, expanding asses...thanks DVR

In a previous post, I told you many of the reasons I adore this changing season. But I blasphemously neglected to mention one of my most favorite fall treats: GOOD TV! When I say "good" TV, I'm not talking about reality shows. Americas Biggest So You Think You Have Talent with the Stars is just not my cup o' tea. I'm talking about actors playing characters to make you laugh, cry, and watch develop over seasons, and absolutely no panel of judges.

Now, my TV watching until 2006 was slim to none. Other than Seinfeld re-runs I literally could not have told you anything that came on the tube. Things certainly changed when I got a full-time job. Between teaching or at least being at school between 8-12 hours/day, working out 4-5 times/week and working 2 different part-time jobs 1-2 times/week, I am SPENT when I get home. I take care of Housekeeping-type things the minute I get home because once I shower and sit down, it's over for me. I'm not moving unless there is a glass of wine or unnecessary salty snack I need to reach across the coffee table. DVR has transformed my view of TV and I'm not quite sure I could survive without at least 20 minutes of "wind-down" time each night.

The Top 5 Shows I am excited about returning this year are:
1) How I met your Mother- Mondays at 8 on CBS
Love the nightly bar conversations filled with flashbacks and flashforwards. Of course I'm a "Lilly" since she's a teacher and the married one of the group. Matt is nothing like Marshall, but I like to think our marriage is as happy as adorable as theirs. Oh, and did I mention THE Neil Patrick Harris as eternally single Barney; although I'm 99% sure he'll end up with Robin for good. And then there are videos thrown into a regular episode like this one:

2) Modern Family- Wednesdays at 9 on ABC
Everything a show needs to be successful. A beautiful, relatable family who is far from perfect yet so strong. Since this show has risen to fame, I have had many people tell me that Matt reminds them of dad Phil Dunphy. This made me very nervous, but he is flattered.

3) Cougar Town- Wednesdays at 9:30 on ABC
I was never a huge Friends fan, mainly because I was a few too many years shy of living on my own to really understand young adulthood. Coutney Cox in this show however grabs my attention with her ridiculous circle of friends (including her ex husband) and their mutual love of full glasses of wine...no matter what time of the day it is.

4) The Office- Thursdays at 9 on NBC
So, I'm a bit nervous that this show has been steadily on the decline any may hit rock bottom this year, but I still love it. Jim, Pam, Michael, Dwight...The characters are just the greatest! Andy has to be the best add-on character; proof of moments like this:

5) Saturday Night Live- Saturdays at 11:30 on NBC
Sure it has it's up and down seasons, but after 36 years it is still on the air. That's saying something...

What shows are you anxious to see this year?

Top shows I will miss this fall are:
1) LOST-For many of you, all you had to do was read the title and you understood. For the rest of you, maybe you haven't committed to one of the greatest tv series of all time. This is the opposite of reality tv because it makes you think and question everything. Not just about the characters, but about our own lives and purpose on this Earth. Yea, it's that deep, and it was that good.

2) Dexter-not because it's over, but because we no longer have Showtime. Greatest serial killer of the series removed, dead wife, 3 inherited children, and Julia Stiles on the set is going to make for an amazing season. We'll reconvene when the season dvd is released Dex :(

3) The Wire- Honestly, I am only in the midst of season 1 of the 6 and I'm already sold. Matt and I watch it on DirecTV's the 101 Network, reason #457 TWC can't hold a candle to DirecTV. I was hesitant to get into this show for years because I thought I couldn't handle it. It deals with real issues of innercity Baltimore and the police department who patrols it. It shows how drugs, violence, culture, and poverty take a toll on it's adults and ruin children's futures before they have a chance to make one. It's heart wrenching and sometimes hard to watch. I can't believe how the writers make me root for some of these criminals. It's friggin good.

Okay, out of all the tv shows come and gone, what would you give anything to see come back?


Waiting for Superman

To say I am excited for "Waiting for Superman" is a gross understatement. Teaching is my life. Sure, I love football, booze, my friends and family, and a good bargain, but teaching is what I was born to do. Unfortunately my passion has been in trouble for some time and the new documentary that opened in NY and LA this week brings those issues to the forefront.

If you are a teacher, you MUST see this. Find that you are not alone and that others share your struggles and frustrations. See that most kids despite the pressures you place on yourself see only the compassion and drive that encouraged you to become a teacher in the first place.

If you are NOT a teacher, then you may be unfamilar with the crisis our American public schools are facing. I totally understand. But one day it WILL matter to you. When your own children are directly impacted by the success or failure of their schools you will care, and hopefully you will do something.

I'll let the trailer speak for itself now...


NOT going Gaga for Gaga...

As you may or may not know, I work part-time at the RBC Center in the merchandise department. Basically it means that I sell overpriced t-shirts and other crap people don't really need in the Carolina Hurricanes team store.

90% of the time I work strictly hockey games, but part of my job requires I work with some outside vendors occasionally for concerts, comedy shows, and other forms of entertainment. Although these shows are long hours, typically going into the early hours of the next morning, I have certainly seen my share of cool events for free. Stevie Wonder, the ACC tournament, Kid Rock, Van Halen, and most recently Lady Gaga.
I knew she was weird. I knew she had about 40 costume changes. I knew she was the self proclaimed "Queen of the Gays (and trannies, and anything else included in that category). So yes, I was prepared for working a unique and different show.

What I was not prepared for was this:

1) Children at the show. Not teenagers, but KIDS. On a schoolnight mind you. Do you think those kids made it to school the next day? Not with a hungover mommy who is desperately trying to be her daughter's "best friend". That really should be the ultimate goal as a parent, huh?
2) T-shirts with the f-dash-dash word on them in child sizes ONLY
3) An ungodly amount of glitter
4) Women twice my age wearing stuff so short I'm pretty sure I could see the babymaker...
5) and this guy, but worse --->
Seriously!? A gay Jesus? But add blood all over his face and other than shoes, no clothing other than a thong. The guy didn't even watch the concert, he spent the whole show running around the concourse waiting for people to ogle him and snap his picture or pose with him. I'm sorry, but I believe that even in 2010 there is a line; and this guy crossed it. Hey, his afterlife destination is not my decision, but I'm betting he and Lucifer will become real tight.
I am forever scarred...


Anyone need a laugh? Just ask Peyton Manning...

Peyton Manning is no joke. He is a living legend on the football field and unlike the 2010 Brett Favre, has come out swinging already this season. Although his game is no laughing matter, him on Saturday Night Live is.

Now I know this clip was from a couple years ago but I'm easily amused right now. I could easily fall asleep, but I'm doing any and everything to avoid a nap or else I'll be up all night. Enjoy!

Running on Empty

Hello world,

How much do I suck as a blogger? But I have an excuse(s)...

1) I tracked back in last Monday...busy from wakeup-5pm

2) I worked my part-time jobs Wednesday and Friday night. That's right people, 12 hour days.

3) We woke up before the sun Saturday morning, drove up and back to Blackburg for a Hokies win (yay) and got back around 1 am

4) Couldn't sleep in Sunday and had to miss NFL Sunday to work 2pm-1am at the Lady Gaga show at the RBC Center. More on that later but for now I'll just say there was a fake suicide, live masturbation, and Jesus himself appeared in the crowd.
5) Back to work this morning...

I had 2 Pepsi Maxes today and felt nothing...this girl needs some rest.


Holy Babies!

Let's play a numbers game, shall we?

NINE people I speak to regularly have had/will have babies this year. FIVE in the month of September alone. Despite the fact that I still need to be reminded to put away my laundry, all of a sudden I feel like a grownup. Where the H-E-double hockey-sticks has time gone? The people I used to act incredibly irresponsible with are now solely responsible for raising another human being and to be honest- it scares me a bit.
Ok, so the picture is a bit creepy, but you get the idea: lots of babies and all...anyways,
I'm starting to feel guilt that I am not prepared to take that leap. Granted, my heart melts the instant I see a newborn and the look on the dad's face makes me so excited to picture Matt one day in that role.

However, I'm not sure I "do" babies. 8 yr olds, yes. They can talk, take sarcasm, go to the bathroom on their own...these are things I need to have a daily relationship with a child. Heck, I'd even venture to say I can make the ages of 4-14 my b**ch (Matt gets to take the reins when their attitude overtakes their soul), but 0-3 makes me feel...well, selfish because I know I'm not ready to give up working full time or have someone relying on me the way a baby must.

People say, if you wait for the perfect time, you'll never have kids. While this may be true, I'm also a believer in gut feelings. With almost every big decision I've had to make, I go with my gut instinct and I usually come out on top. Right now my gut is telling me to hurry home and try the new New Belgium Hoptober...

The whites are away until May...

Here lies my summer wardrobe, ready to be stowed away and forgotten until white is socially appropriate. Now that Labor Day has passed I can no longer sport white dresses, skirts, shorts, pants, shoes, or purses. Along with that goes nautical and springy flower prints.

Sigh...bring on socks, muted autumn hues, and layering:(


Back to Reality...

As my track out return approaches, I am taking a moment to weigh the positives and negatives of summer coming to an end. Let's start with the cons so we can end on a positive note, que?

1) No more 2 hour breakfasts while bs'ing on the computer and catching up on Real Housewives episodes
2) White shoes, shorts, dresses, etc are in storage until April (if you don't follow this rule we have a problem)
3) The pool will be closing and my skin will return to a shade that proves I am of Irish/Welsh descent
4) Strawberries, blueberries, bananas and watermelon prices will skyrocket
5) Bye bye nightly cookouts
6) Can no longer play Will Smith's Summertime

1) I get to see my kids, all 22 of em!
2) Jeans and slacks = less shaving!
3) The pool will be closing and I will therefore postpone getting skin cancer a few more years.
4) Pumpkin. Nuff said.
5) Tailgating and FOOTBALL!
6) Too soon for Christmas music?

What are your fave/least fave things about saying adios to Summatime?


DC Recap

Phew, so I'm back. Unless you have been under a rock or haven't watched TV this week, you know my beloved Hokies lost to Boise State Monday night. Sadly, this was the main reason we traveled to DC so pretty huge bummer. Luckily, we had many other fun things on the agenda to ease the pain and the experience of being at Fed Ex field was almost worth it in itself.

I'm not going to give you a full recap of the trip because A- I am tired since I'm back to work and B- You probably don't give two s**ts and just want to see pictures. Well, enjoy!

Super sweet memorial if you haven't gotten a chance to see it yet.
Too bad it wasn't around years ago so great heroes like my great grandfather could have seen the beauty in person.

Subway riding and walking all over the Nation's Capital. Funny thing is that I grew up here and had seen almost of of this stuff multiple times. Moving away makes me realize how lucky I was to have so many pieces of history right at my disposal. Plus, planning field trips would be a zillion times easier if i lived up there!
Visiting George and Martha's Crib- aka Mount Vernon
The Nats suck, but their stadium is super sick and my man Abe pulled out the win in the Presidents Race.
Am I obsessed with Picasa collages much?


Busy bee...

I am tracked out which means no work for 3 weeks. This means I should be on point with blogging and keep you beyond updated on my happenings and opinions.

Well, believe it or not I am super busy. Subbed all day Thursday and Friday. Think I'm insane? You are probably right, but it's $88 after taxes and I only work at my school so I have the upper hand on these little people. I also work over at the high school selling tickets for JV and Varsity football games once a week. So that's the 3rd of my 4 jobs but for $12 and hour, why wouldn't I? Friday night we had some friends over and I drank way too much wine. Which means today I felt awwwwwful and was pretty useless until after lunch.

Now comes the fun part...Labor Day weekend plans. I have the greatest in-laws on the planet and they are taking hubby and I on a 4 day trip to D.C. to see our beloved Hokies season opener against Boise State. VTech will be sporting the new black jerseys that Nike created for only 10 teams; fairly rowdy, right? Also on the agenda, a Nats game, sightseeing around the DC area, and I get to visit my BFF Kim who I introduced you to a few months back.
I'll be sure to give you a recap when we return. Keep the laboring to a minimum and have a fabulous weekend!


Spontaneity is sexy...

So Matt and I have been going through a spontaneous streak lately. What we eat for dinner, movies to watch, introducing the idea then booking a trip to NYC the week of Christmas in a 20 minute period (more on that at another time...)

Case and point- this past Saturday we had typical plans of cleaning house, going to the gym, and running errands around town. As I was getting ready for our scheduled errands, he asked "wanna go to the beach"?

My typical reaction: "Sure, and I'd also like a million dollars, but we planned to run errands. Plus, I don't want to drive 3 hours to turn around and come back the next day. Plus, what would we do with the dog, gah!"
My new spontaneous self: "Yes! When do we leave?"
So we packed up our stuff and our pup, gassed up the car, and headed down to Holden Beach. This is Papi eating in my lap en route since he'd been rushed out the door before.

I was impressed with myself for embracing a trait that I frankly am not. And my husband finds this new leaf hotter than "slut shoes" and cleavage. I plan on making the most of our "newlywed" period and making it last for a few more years. But who knows, as spontaneous as we are lately we may just up and adopt triplets tomorrow (Please dear God, notify the authorities in that case because we are NOT qualified for that).

Me and my big mouth...

Remember my beautiful tree rantings LESS than 2 weeks ago?

Here sits said tree today.

Not a single bloom in sight and it seems a spider colony has taken over. Ugh...