
NOT going Gaga for Gaga...

As you may or may not know, I work part-time at the RBC Center in the merchandise department. Basically it means that I sell overpriced t-shirts and other crap people don't really need in the Carolina Hurricanes team store.

90% of the time I work strictly hockey games, but part of my job requires I work with some outside vendors occasionally for concerts, comedy shows, and other forms of entertainment. Although these shows are long hours, typically going into the early hours of the next morning, I have certainly seen my share of cool events for free. Stevie Wonder, the ACC tournament, Kid Rock, Van Halen, and most recently Lady Gaga.
I knew she was weird. I knew she had about 40 costume changes. I knew she was the self proclaimed "Queen of the Gays (and trannies, and anything else included in that category). So yes, I was prepared for working a unique and different show.

What I was not prepared for was this:

1) Children at the show. Not teenagers, but KIDS. On a schoolnight mind you. Do you think those kids made it to school the next day? Not with a hungover mommy who is desperately trying to be her daughter's "best friend". That really should be the ultimate goal as a parent, huh?
2) T-shirts with the f-dash-dash word on them in child sizes ONLY
3) An ungodly amount of glitter
4) Women twice my age wearing stuff so short I'm pretty sure I could see the babymaker...
5) and this guy, but worse --->
Seriously!? A gay Jesus? But add blood all over his face and other than shoes, no clothing other than a thong. The guy didn't even watch the concert, he spent the whole show running around the concourse waiting for people to ogle him and snap his picture or pose with him. I'm sorry, but I believe that even in 2010 there is a line; and this guy crossed it. Hey, his afterlife destination is not my decision, but I'm betting he and Lucifer will become real tight.
I am forever scarred...

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that picture of the two little girls is ridiculous. I have no idea how a parent would think it was okay to take their child to a Lady Gaga concert. Her music videos are like porn.
