
Spontaneity is sexy...

So Matt and I have been going through a spontaneous streak lately. What we eat for dinner, movies to watch, introducing the idea then booking a trip to NYC the week of Christmas in a 20 minute period (more on that at another time...)

Case and point- this past Saturday we had typical plans of cleaning house, going to the gym, and running errands around town. As I was getting ready for our scheduled errands, he asked "wanna go to the beach"?

My typical reaction: "Sure, and I'd also like a million dollars, but we planned to run errands. Plus, I don't want to drive 3 hours to turn around and come back the next day. Plus, what would we do with the dog, gah!"
My new spontaneous self: "Yes! When do we leave?"
So we packed up our stuff and our pup, gassed up the car, and headed down to Holden Beach. This is Papi eating in my lap en route since he'd been rushed out the door before.

I was impressed with myself for embracing a trait that I frankly am not. And my husband finds this new leaf hotter than "slut shoes" and cleavage. I plan on making the most of our "newlywed" period and making it last for a few more years. But who knows, as spontaneous as we are lately we may just up and adopt triplets tomorrow (Please dear God, notify the authorities in that case because we are NOT qualified for that).

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