
Hangover, no not the one with Mike Tyson

I didn't love the Hangover like seemingly everyone else in my generation did, but I can't pass up a reason to show Ed Helms performing his Grammy nominated crooning from the flick

Although Matt and I are determined not to become an old, boring married couple, the reality is that we rarely make it "out" as in going downtown and doing the whole shebang. There are many reasons for the rarity of our appearances. How about the cost, the 25 minute drive back to our house, the fact that neither of us are looking to score with anyone there, and quite frankly the bathrooms at any point after 11 at night. The supreme reason? The next day hangover.

I am convinced it is worse when you have been drinking outside your home. Even an $8 drink is made with the lowest of the bottom shelf liquors (Aristocrat anyone?) the peer pressure and (god forbid) dancing just increases the rate at which drinks are consumed. When I drink at home I usually get the munchies and eat something before bed which typically helps my next day state. When I go out, I don't even think about food until about 6 am when I wake up to pee and realize I haven't eaten in 12 hours.

No matter what poor choices were made the night before, there is a surefire cure that has worked for aiding hangover woes for 5 years now. It's name? The Bojangles chicken box. There have been times where it's taken me all day to actually eat the whole thing, but each greasy bite is one step closer to feeling like a functional human again. Gatorade is a good buddy as well, which is why it is always fully stocked in our fridge.

What is your hangover cure? Your sharing could benefit the millions of poor Americans who suffer from this ailment each weekend.


  1. I'm a big fan of three Tylenol, two Tums, and a big glass of water right before bed. It took me many years to perfect this recipe, but it does me good every time. Of course, Bojo's the next morning always adds to making the heart feel better!!

  2. I don't get hangovers and it might be any combination of the following things.

    1) I don't drink much or often
    2) I make sure I've had food that day
    3) I drink a glass of water (or two) before bed.

  3. That video was awesome! I agree, didn't love The Hangover, but I think parts of it (like that song) were great.
