
Tenure, babaaaaay!

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Today is the last day of my FOURTH year of teaching. You must think I'm excited because of the big "guaranteed" raise I should be getting. Well, no- the state isn't giving me for the 2nd year in a row. I am however excited about gaining tenure! What does that mean? Well, nothing really; except I'll be very hard to fire.

While looking through an old photo book yesterday, I came across my ID badge from my first year of teaching. Gosh, time really flies. I was single (well, not married anyways), living in a great townhouse in downtown Wilmington, and rarely cooked an actual meal. My underprivileged kids were my whole being and I stayed at school until at least 6 nightly.

I still have passion for what I do, but I envy the girl who could dedicate every part of her to her class. My goal is to remain an open-minded, caring, and optimistic teacher. To increase my level of patience, and decrease the distractions I allow the outside world to have in my classroom. I have a whopping 8 days to prepare for next school year, so here's hoping...

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Look at my gift card plant! Teachers are often under appreciated, but today was not one of those days. Parents in my class pulled together money and purchased an assortment of gift cards to thank me for a great school year. Like, really nice gift cards y'all! Target, Belk, Chili's, Lowe's Grocery and Shoe Dept. Thank God cause due to our recent financial woes, I haven't gone shopping in ages. Now I can spent a day guilt free thanks to some amazing parents:)

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