
"Friends Foreeeever"

Monday, June 28th, 2010

I can't even say that line without picturing Kelly, Jessie, Slater, and the rest of Zack Attack (I KNOW you remember this!) but despite the straight cheese that was Saved By the Bell, I am happy to have a couple friends I really feel will be there forever.
Why am I thinking about this now? Because I never get to see my two best friends, EVER and I get to see them BOTH this weekend!! I met Kim and Sarah back in 1998, which is the furthest back any of my friendships go. They don't take shit from anybody, which is one of the hundreds of reasons why I loved them instantly and still do. Kim lives in DC, Sarah's in Winston and life keeps us apart most of the time. Whenever we are together though, it's always a blast; especially now that we can drink:)

<-- Powderpuff football with my "twin" Kim

Literally hanging out with Sarah -->

Below: Sarah (left) and Kim at my 15th birthday party. God we thought we were grown...

1 comment:

  1. I'm famous!! BUT take these God awful pictures down of me!
